Sport Integrity

Integrity in sport means that athletes, supporters and fans can participate in and celebrate sport, confident in the knowledge that they are part of a safe, ethical and inclusive environment.  The Victorian Curling Association takes integrity in our sport very seriously. 

As a member of Curling Australia, the Victorian Curling Association and its members are bound by and must comply with all CA sport integrity policies of the Curling Australia National Integrity Framework. The NIF includes five policies with each policy detailing the behaviours and expectations placed on participants and organisations.  

  • Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy 

  • Member Protection Policy 

  • Improper Use of Drugs and Medications Policy 

  • Competition Manipulation and Sports Gambling Policy 

  • Complaints Disputes and Discipline Policy

To provide sports at all levels with guidance in the integrity space, independent government agency Sport Integrity Australia (SIA), developed the National Integrity Framework (NIF) which Curling Australia (CA) adopted in June 2022. All our members and participants have an obligation to protect and maintain the integrity of sport, as well as the health and wellbeing of our athletes.


When it comes to sport integrity, it is critical that our athletes and support personnel are aware of their rights and responsibilities. Curling Australia has developed a Sport Integrity Education Plan that covers the different learning requirements and recommendations for athletes, coaches, support personnel, staff and volunteers. These courses are available online through Sport Integrity Australia eLearning portal.